218.I didn't attend the conference, but I wish I()there.

A、  had been

B、  be

C、  were

D、  would be



194.This car costs()the other one.
23.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项23题答案为()。
47.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”What do Teitel’s words in the last paragraph imply?
187.-- Hello, is that Mrs.Black speaking?-- Yes, ()who's that?-- Mary.
13.Researchers are trying to()what’s wrong with their experiments.
25.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项25题答案为()。
10.He()late into the night, but now he goes to bed early due to health reasons.
90.He is ()a horse.

218.I didn't attend the conference, but I wish I()there.

A、  had been

B、  be

C、  were

D、  would be



194.This car costs()the other one.

A.   as much over

B.   as much more as

C.   as much to

D.   as much as

23.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项23题答案为()。

A.   what

B.   why

C.   which

D.   how


A.   modern

B.   surprise

C.   traveler

D.   German
47.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”What do Teitel’s words in the last paragraph imply?

A.   The tortoises were fond of seeing Earthrise.

B.   The tortoises were not given due credit for their experience.

C.   The tortoises were not named after the Soviet spacecraft.

D.   The tortoises were famous all over the world.

187.-- Hello, is that Mrs.Black speaking?-- Yes, ()who's that?-- Mary.

A.   I'm

B.   That's

C.   She's

D.   This is

解析:解析:打电话需用打电话的专门用语,如问对方是谁,不能用“Who are you”,而要用 “Who's that”。回答时也不能用“I'm…”,而要用“This is…”。做这类题千万不能按汉语的表达方法去套用。
13.Researchers are trying to()what’s wrong with their experiments.

A.   pull out

B.   call out

C.   take out

D.   figure out

解析:解析:句意:研究人员正试图找出他们实验中存在的问题。pull out意为“退出;(火车)驶出”,call out意为“唤起,召集”,take out意为“取出,除去”,figure out意为“弄清楚”,故选D。
25.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项25题答案为()。

A.   or

B.   but

C.   so

D.   and

解析:解析:本句句意:但是很少有职业像教师一样对创造一个更好的社会有直接的影响。根据空格前的many professions和空格后的few professions以及句意可知,空格前后句子之间为转折关系,but意为“但是”,表转折,故选B。

A.   spell

B.   telephone

C.   she

D.   very
10.He()late into the night, but now he goes to bed early due to health reasons.

A.   used to work

B.   used to working

C.   is used to working

D.   is used to work

解析:解析:句意:以前他经常加班到深夜但现在因为身体原因,他早早就睡了。used to do sth,意为“过去常常做某事”,be used to doing sth,意为“习惯做某事”,故选A。
90.He is ()a horse.

A.   stronger as

B.   as stronger than

C.   the strong as

D.   stronger than
