
A、  put

B、  change

C、  better

D、  make


66.After a two-month inquiry, the police( )the three men‘s intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.
16.The conflict spread everywhere, into villages,( )into the cities.
1、Passage 4Do you know who Benjamin Banneker was and what he did? Benjamin Banneker was a
self-educated scientist at a time when most African Americans were slaves. Born a free black man
in the British Colony of Maryland in 1731, he received some formal education, but he mostly
borrowed books and taught himself science and mathematics. At 22, he borrowed a pocket watch,
and without any training, figured out how to carve a working wooden clock that chimed each hour. Because of this clock, he became well known and people would visit him just to see his creation.
Banneker ran his family farm from many years, but when he was in his late 50s, a neighbor‘s
son lent him a telescope. He became interested in astronomy, the study of the planets and stars,
and again taught himself a new science. He made calculations of tides, sunrises and sunsets, and
even predicted an eclipse. For several years he published an almanac of these calculations. Today,
he is best known for publishing six almanacs, called ―Benjamin Banneker‘s Almanac‖ between
1792 and 1797.
In the 1790s, Banneker also helped survey and lay out the land for Washington, D. C., which
became the nation‘s capital. For a look at Banneker‘s amazing life, visit the Benjamin Banneker
Historical Park & Museum in Ellicott City, Maryland.5. Which of Mr. Banneker‘s works is best known?
84.The movie was over and the crowds( )into the street.
193.The girl immediately shut the window to( )the train.
1、Passage 3Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recent years. People have become more
health conscious and try to take better care of their bodies by eating more nutritiously and
exercising more regularly to lose any unnecessary fat that they may have.Not only are people being more careful about what they eat, they are also concerned with
how they eat and how their meals are prepared. People are taking more time for each meal. Many
avoid the so called ―plastic‖ fast-food hamburgers and choose to eat a salad or a sandwich of more
healthful ingredients(成分) in a quiet restaurant with a more leisurely atmosphere. At home, they
also try to take enough time to eat a relaxing dinner without phone or TV interruptions.
While dieting may be viewed as beneficial, it has also become a serious problem for
Americans, particularly for young women. Dieting for them has actually become a psychological
addiction(依赖). They eat so little that they can lose as much as fifty percent of their total body
weight, and although they look like skeletons, they still insist that they are fat.
The current waves of exercising, dieting and the problems produced have caused many
organizations to begin educating the public. Many schools, hospitals, health organizations,
newspapers and magazines, for example, are offering classes, printing booklet articles, etc. to
inform the public of the way to exercise and diet, of the dangers of dieting too rapidly, and of the
places people can go for medical help if they find themselves on the road to ―diet addiction‖.3. ―They look like skeletons‖ in the third paragraph most probably means ________.
1、Passage 13The favorite food in the United States is hamburger. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is
a fast food restaurant. At a fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and
carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in
their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it
and pick it up without leaving their cars.
There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The greatest in number
sell hamburgers, French fries and so on. They are popular food among Americans. Besides, Italian
food, chicken, seafood and ice-cream are very popular, too. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so
popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one.
Fast food restaurants are popular because they reflect American life style. Customers can
wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are
busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone prepares it. In
fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally most
food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore people are able to buy and eat at a fast
food restaurant often, while they may not be able to go to a more expensive restaurant very often4. Is the food in fast food restaurants always ready before the customers order it?


A、  put

B、  change

C、  better

D、  make


66.After a two-month inquiry, the police( )the three men‘s intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.

A.  has uncovered

B.   have uncovered

C.   has explored

D.   have explored
16.The conflict spread everywhere, into villages,( )into the cities.

A.  as well

B.   as well as

C.   in addition

D.   in addition to
1、Passage 4Do you know who Benjamin Banneker was and what he did? Benjamin Banneker was a
self-educated scientist at a time when most African Americans were slaves. Born a free black man
in the British Colony of Maryland in 1731, he received some formal education, but he mostly
borrowed books and taught himself science and mathematics. At 22, he borrowed a pocket watch,
and without any training, figured out how to carve a working wooden clock that chimed each hour. Because of this clock, he became well known and people would visit him just to see his creation.
Banneker ran his family farm from many years, but when he was in his late 50s, a neighbor‘s
son lent him a telescope. He became interested in astronomy, the study of the planets and stars,
and again taught himself a new science. He made calculations of tides, sunrises and sunsets, and
even predicted an eclipse. For several years he published an almanac of these calculations. Today,
he is best known for publishing six almanacs, called ―Benjamin Banneker‘s Almanac‖ between
1792 and 1797.
In the 1790s, Banneker also helped survey and lay out the land for Washington, D. C., which
became the nation‘s capital. For a look at Banneker‘s amazing life, visit the Benjamin Banneker
Historical Park & Museum in Ellicott City, Maryland.5. Which of Mr. Banneker‘s works is best known?

A.  Eclipse prediction.

B.  Helping surveying the capital.

C.  Benjamin Banneker‘s Almanac.

D.  A wooden clock.
84.The movie was over and the crowds( )into the street.

A.  broke down

B.   spilled out

C.   pulled through

D.   moved over
193.The girl immediately shut the window to( )the train.

A.  keep out

B.   keep down

C.   keep up

D.   keep back

A. retaining

B. preventing

C. getting

D. keeping
1、Passage 3Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recent years. People have become more
health conscious and try to take better care of their bodies by eating more nutritiously and
exercising more regularly to lose any unnecessary fat that they may have.Not only are people being more careful about what they eat, they are also concerned with
how they eat and how their meals are prepared. People are taking more time for each meal. Many
avoid the so called ―plastic‖ fast-food hamburgers and choose to eat a salad or a sandwich of more
healthful ingredients(成分) in a quiet restaurant with a more leisurely atmosphere. At home, they
also try to take enough time to eat a relaxing dinner without phone or TV interruptions.
While dieting may be viewed as beneficial, it has also become a serious problem for
Americans, particularly for young women. Dieting for them has actually become a psychological
addiction(依赖). They eat so little that they can lose as much as fifty percent of their total body
weight, and although they look like skeletons, they still insist that they are fat.
The current waves of exercising, dieting and the problems produced have caused many
organizations to begin educating the public. Many schools, hospitals, health organizations,
newspapers and magazines, for example, are offering classes, printing booklet articles, etc. to
inform the public of the way to exercise and diet, of the dangers of dieting too rapidly, and of the
places people can go for medical help if they find themselves on the road to ―diet addiction‖.3. ―They look like skeletons‖ in the third paragraph most probably means ________.

A.  they are very pretty

B.  they are very ugly

C.  they are too thin

D.  they are starving

A.   forwards

B.   on

C.   up

D.   around
1、Passage 13The favorite food in the United States is hamburger. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is
a fast food restaurant. At a fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and
carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in
their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it
and pick it up without leaving their cars.
There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The greatest in number
sell hamburgers, French fries and so on. They are popular food among Americans. Besides, Italian
food, chicken, seafood and ice-cream are very popular, too. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so
popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one.
Fast food restaurants are popular because they reflect American life style. Customers can
wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are
busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone prepares it. In
fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally most
food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore people are able to buy and eat at a fast
food restaurant often, while they may not be able to go to a more expensive restaurant very often4. Is the food in fast food restaurants always ready before the customers order it?

A.  Yes, it is.

B.   No, it is seldom ready.

C.   Yes, it is cooked to order.

D.   No, not always, but usually.

A. fact

B. contrast

C. addition

D. consequence