194.Our-school-run factory( )various kinds of chemical devices last year.

A、 turned into

B、  turned up

C、  turned out

D、  turned off


73.Some successful people managed to gain( )and fortune even though they dropped out of school.
1、Passage 8Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are
encouraged, but not forced, to ―leave the nest‖ and begin an independent life. After children leave
home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents
do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents
to get married. Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young
adults meet their future spouses through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious
institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve
of their choices.
In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves.
A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to
choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in
order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father‘s
business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father‘s workplace. This
independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.
Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American
family. Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and
independence5. The subject matter of this selection is _____.
179.( )much trouble with the job, you could come to her for help.
187.To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or( ).
173.My cousin worked all winter vacation, saving money to( )his hobby of collecting stamps.
155.---- Why haven‘t you bought any butter?---- I( )to but I forgot about it.
176.Be careful with your glass. Don‘t( )any wine on the carpet.
1、Passage 7Greek soldiers sent messages by turning their shields toward the sun. The flashes reflected
light could be seen several miles away. The enemy did not know what the flashes meant, but other
Greek soldiers could understand the message.
Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to
send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and soldiers with
loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance.
In Africa, people learn to send messages by beating on a series of large drums. Each drum
was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way
that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great
speed for hundreds of miles.
In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this
way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing
different letters of the alphabet. It was like spelling out words with flags and arms.
Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not
until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speeches
sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds.
1. According to this passage, the Roman way of communication depended very much upon
1、Passage 20Clifford Stoll ran a computer system in Berkelely, California. As a system administrator, he
kept a close eye on the records. One day, Stoll found something strange in the payment record.
There was a 75 cents mistake. One of the thousands of users had used the system for 75 worth of
time and not paid for it.
It might sound like very little money to worry about. But that 75 cents was the first clue Stoll
had to a much bigger problem — that a hacker(黑客)had broken into Stoll‘s computer system.
Who was it? Stoll spent the next year trying to find out. During that time the hacker used the
system in Berkelely as a starting point to break into military computer systems all over the United
Stoll had to keep track of the hacker‘s activities on the computer without the hacker‘s
knowing someone was watching him. Stoll even made up huge files of false information so the hacker would have lots to read. When the hacker spent long time reading, the telephone company
was able to trace the lines. After a year, the hacker was traced back to his computer — in
Germany. He was later caught by the German police.3. Stoll was concerned about a 75 cents mistake because ________.

194.Our-school-run factory( )various kinds of chemical devices last year.

A、 turned into

B、  turned up

C、  turned out

D、  turned off


73.Some successful people managed to gain( )and fortune even though they dropped out of school.

A.  fame

B.   sensation

C.   position

D.   expect

A.   much

B.   a bit

C.   a lot

D.   more
1、Passage 8Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are
encouraged, but not forced, to ―leave the nest‖ and begin an independent life. After children leave
home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents
do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents
to get married. Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young
adults meet their future spouses through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious
institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve
of their choices.
In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves.
A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to
choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in
order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father‘s
business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father‘s workplace. This
independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.
Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American
family. Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and
independence5. The subject matter of this selection is _____.

A.  decision making

B.  marriage arrangements

C.   the pursuit of a career

D.   family values
179.( )much trouble with the job, you could come to her for help.

A.  Had you

B.   You will have

C.   Will you

D.   You had
187.To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or( ).

A.  neither

B.   some

C.   all

D.   both
173.My cousin worked all winter vacation, saving money to( )his hobby of collecting stamps.

A.  search

B.   hunt

C.   seek

D.   pursue
155.---- Why haven‘t you bought any butter?---- I( )to but I forgot about it.

A.  liked

B.   wished

C.   meant

D.   expected
176.Be careful with your glass. Don‘t( )any wine on the carpet.

A.  spill

B.   spot

C.   spoil

D.   put
1、Passage 7Greek soldiers sent messages by turning their shields toward the sun. The flashes reflected
light could be seen several miles away. The enemy did not know what the flashes meant, but other
Greek soldiers could understand the message.
Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to
send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and soldiers with
loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance.
In Africa, people learn to send messages by beating on a series of large drums. Each drum
was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way
that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great
speed for hundreds of miles.
In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this
way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing
different letters of the alphabet. It was like spelling out words with flags and arms.
Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not
until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speeches
sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds.
1. According to this passage, the Roman way of communication depended very much upon

A.  fine weather

B.   high tower

C.   the spelling system

D.   arm movements
1、Passage 20Clifford Stoll ran a computer system in Berkelely, California. As a system administrator, he
kept a close eye on the records. One day, Stoll found something strange in the payment record.
There was a 75 cents mistake. One of the thousands of users had used the system for 75 worth of
time and not paid for it.
It might sound like very little money to worry about. But that 75 cents was the first clue Stoll
had to a much bigger problem — that a hacker(黑客)had broken into Stoll‘s computer system.
Who was it? Stoll spent the next year trying to find out. During that time the hacker used the
system in Berkelely as a starting point to break into military computer systems all over the United
Stoll had to keep track of the hacker‘s activities on the computer without the hacker‘s
knowing someone was watching him. Stoll even made up huge files of false information so the hacker would have lots to read. When the hacker spent long time reading, the telephone company
was able to trace the lines. After a year, the hacker was traced back to his computer — in
Germany. He was later caught by the German police.3. Stoll was concerned about a 75 cents mistake because ________.

A.  every cent was important to the company

B.  it might lead to a greater loss for the company

C.  he was afraid the computer system might break down some day

D.  he realized someone had broken into the computer system