1、Passage 1
The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to enjoy a lifetime‘s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and self-reported luck, according to a research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the luckiest month in which to be born, with 50 percent of those born then considering themselves lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43 percent claiming good fortune.
The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a person‘s general disposition. Other research has shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success than on having a ―glass half-full‖ or“half-empty‖ approach to life. ―What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,‖ said Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the research.
The pattern of the result, with those born in spring and in summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations, Professor Wiseman said.4.Which of the following words can be best replace the word ―trait‖ (Line 7, Para. 2)?

A、 Quality.

B、  Expectation.

C、  Belief.

D、  Idea


1、Passage 14Shortly after graduation, it is time for you to start the next phase of your life. You will begin
your first "real job." Generally speaking, most of what you have learned in school will not prepare
you for this. There is a big difference between being a student and being an employee. Certainly,
more will be expected of you.
The best career-related advice I ever received came from my former boss on my first day of
work. She told me to listen and observe before suggesting any changes. I took that advice and
have used it in other situations, both in and out of the workplace. While innovation is a good thing,
it is important to be mindful of dynamics of the workplace. If you are entering an environment
where routines are already in place, a newcomer walking in and talking about "better ways" to do
things, will often be met with negative reactions. Why? First, you know nothing about why they
do things the way they do. Second, you haven't gained the trust of your co-workers. Finally,
people, by nature, are threatened by changes.
By listening and observing, you will gain a lot. You will learn about the environment of
which you are now a part. You will find out more about the people you are working with. You may
save yourself from making a major, public mistake—you are the new kid on the block while your
co-workers have been around longer. You can learn from their collective experience. 5. This passage is useful in helping you
116.It( )that the mysterious visitor was an old friend of my grandmother.
1、Translation 8Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. So air
pollution is really a global problem. Air pollution may kill people, especially babies, older people,
and those who have diseases with their breath. Air pollution increases the risks of certain lung
diseases. There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don‘t know much
about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air
may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth
defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the chemicals we are apt to take into our body work.
1、Passage 3Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recent years. People have become more
health conscious and try to take better care of their bodies by eating more nutritiously and
exercising more regularly to lose any unnecessary fat that they may have.Not only are people being more careful about what they eat, they are also concerned with
how they eat and how their meals are prepared. People are taking more time for each meal. Many
avoid the so called ―plastic‖ fast-food hamburgers and choose to eat a salad or a sandwich of more
healthful ingredients(成分) in a quiet restaurant with a more leisurely atmosphere. At home, they
also try to take enough time to eat a relaxing dinner without phone or TV interruptions.
While dieting may be viewed as beneficial, it has also become a serious problem for
Americans, particularly for young women. Dieting for them has actually become a psychological
addiction(依赖). They eat so little that they can lose as much as fifty percent of their total body
weight, and although they look like skeletons, they still insist that they are fat.
The current waves of exercising, dieting and the problems produced have caused many
organizations to begin educating the public. Many schools, hospitals, health organizations,
newspapers and magazines, for example, are offering classes, printing booklet articles, etc. to
inform the public of the way to exercise and diet, of the dangers of dieting too rapidly, and of the
places people can go for medical help if they find themselves on the road to ―diet addiction‖.2. What changes have people made in the atmosphere of mealtime?
1、Passage 17
Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human conditions is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to cope with life changes and daily hassles. People with strong
social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health likely.
Social support cushions stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives, and co-workers may let us know that they value us. Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others despite our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support. They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support ― financial aid, material resources and needed services — that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word ―cushions‖ (Para. 2) ( )?
1、Passage 12More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the
environment. Maybe that‘s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads
worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!
Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may discover something new all
around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You
can bike to work and benefit from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You
don‘t even have to ride all the way.
Folding bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you.
You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take
a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline
websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.
Health Benefits of Bicycling:
It helps to prevent heart diseases.
It helps to control your weight.
A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a
It can improve your mood.
Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and
Bicycling is healthier than driving.5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

1、Passage 1
The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to enjoy a lifetime‘s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and self-reported luck, according to a research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the luckiest month in which to be born, with 50 percent of those born then considering themselves lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43 percent claiming good fortune.
The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a person‘s general disposition. Other research has shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success than on having a ―glass half-full‖ or“half-empty‖ approach to life. ―What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,‖ said Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the research.
The pattern of the result, with those born in spring and in summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations, Professor Wiseman said.4.Which of the following words can be best replace the word ―trait‖ (Line 7, Para. 2)?

A、 Quality.

B、  Expectation.

C、  Belief.

D、  Idea


1、Passage 14Shortly after graduation, it is time for you to start the next phase of your life. You will begin
your first "real job." Generally speaking, most of what you have learned in school will not prepare
you for this. There is a big difference between being a student and being an employee. Certainly,
more will be expected of you.
The best career-related advice I ever received came from my former boss on my first day of
work. She told me to listen and observe before suggesting any changes. I took that advice and
have used it in other situations, both in and out of the workplace. While innovation is a good thing,
it is important to be mindful of dynamics of the workplace. If you are entering an environment
where routines are already in place, a newcomer walking in and talking about "better ways" to do
things, will often be met with negative reactions. Why? First, you know nothing about why they
do things the way they do. Second, you haven't gained the trust of your co-workers. Finally,
people, by nature, are threatened by changes.
By listening and observing, you will gain a lot. You will learn about the environment of
which you are now a part. You will find out more about the people you are working with. You may
save yourself from making a major, public mistake—you are the new kid on the block while your
co-workers have been around longer. You can learn from their collective experience. 5. This passage is useful in helping you

A. to find a job as quickly as possible

B. tofind a satisfactory first ―real‖ job

C. to get promoted soon

D. to leave a good impression on your co-workers
116.It( )that the mysterious visitor was an old friend of my grandmother.

A.  turned up

B.   turned off

C.   turned on

D.   turned out
1、Translation 8Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. So air
pollution is really a global problem. Air pollution may kill people, especially babies, older people,
and those who have diseases with their breath. Air pollution increases the risks of certain lung
diseases. There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don‘t know much
about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air
may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth
defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the chemicals we are apt to take into our body work.

A.   had been

B.   was

C.   might be

D.   would be
1、Passage 3Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recent years. People have become more
health conscious and try to take better care of their bodies by eating more nutritiously and
exercising more regularly to lose any unnecessary fat that they may have.Not only are people being more careful about what they eat, they are also concerned with
how they eat and how their meals are prepared. People are taking more time for each meal. Many
avoid the so called ―plastic‖ fast-food hamburgers and choose to eat a salad or a sandwich of more
healthful ingredients(成分) in a quiet restaurant with a more leisurely atmosphere. At home, they
also try to take enough time to eat a relaxing dinner without phone or TV interruptions.
While dieting may be viewed as beneficial, it has also become a serious problem for
Americans, particularly for young women. Dieting for them has actually become a psychological
addiction(依赖). They eat so little that they can lose as much as fifty percent of their total body
weight, and although they look like skeletons, they still insist that they are fat.
The current waves of exercising, dieting and the problems produced have caused many
organizations to begin educating the public. Many schools, hospitals, health organizations,
newspapers and magazines, for example, are offering classes, printing booklet articles, etc. to
inform the public of the way to exercise and diet, of the dangers of dieting too rapidly, and of the
places people can go for medical help if they find themselves on the road to ―diet addiction‖.2. What changes have people made in the atmosphere of mealtime?

A.  They are taking more time for each meal.

B.  They are eating in quiet restaurants with more leisurely atmosphere.

C.  At home they are eating without phone or TV interruptions.

D.  All of the above.

A.   too

B.   B. so

C.   much

D.   no
1、Passage 17
Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human conditions is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to cope with life changes and daily hassles. People with strong
social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health likely.
Social support cushions stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives, and co-workers may let us know that they value us. Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others despite our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support. They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support ― financial aid, material resources and needed services — that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word ―cushions‖ (Para. 2) ( )?

A.  Lays the foundation for.

B.  Lessens the effect of.

C.  Adds up to.

D.  Does away with.

A.   replace

B.   in place of

C.   change

D.   exchange

A.   turn out

B.   take on

C.   take out

D.   come into
1、Passage 12More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the
environment. Maybe that‘s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads
worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!
Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may discover something new all
around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You
can bike to work and benefit from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You
don‘t even have to ride all the way.
Folding bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you.
You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take
a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline
websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.
Health Benefits of Bicycling:
It helps to prevent heart diseases.
It helps to control your weight.
A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a
It can improve your mood.
Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and
Bicycling is healthier than driving.5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.  Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people.

B.  Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes.

C.  Riding a bike pollutes your neighborhood.

D.  Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines.

E.  according to the passage?