1、Translation 3According to Chinese lunar calendar,August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival
---the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. On
that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright
moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away
from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival.
There are many customs to celebrate the festival, all expressing people‘s love and hope for a
happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in


1、Passage 13The favorite food in the United States is hamburger. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is
a fast food restaurant. At a fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and
carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in
their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it
and pick it up without leaving their cars.
There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The greatest in number
sell hamburgers, French fries and so on. They are popular food among Americans. Besides, Italian
food, chicken, seafood and ice-cream are very popular, too. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so
popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one.
Fast food restaurants are popular because they reflect American life style. Customers can
wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are
busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone prepares it. In
fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally most
food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore people are able to buy and eat at a fast
food restaurant often, while they may not be able to go to a more expensive restaurant very often.
3. Why do Americans like to go to fast food restaurants?
71.Let me share( )you something that you may not expect.
1、Passage 1
The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to enjoy a lifetime‘s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and self-reported luck, according to a research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the luckiest month in which to be born, with 50 percent of those born then considering themselves lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43 percent claiming good fortune.
The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a person‘s general disposition. Other research has shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success than on having a ―glass half-full‖ or“half-empty‖ approach to life. ―What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,‖ said Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the research.
The pattern of the result, with those born in spring and in summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations, Professor Wiseman said.5.What is the best title for the passage?
1、Passage 5Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to
buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want. When they work,
they usually get paid in money.
Most of the money today is made of metal paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as
money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money.
In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money. In parts of
Africa, cattle were one of the earliest money. Other animals were used as money too.
The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the
center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place. Different countries have
used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were made of tin.
Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later, other countries began to make coins
of gold and silver.
But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first paper
money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.
Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.
1. Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for
4. Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy
something expensive?
1、Passage 15There is a commonly held myth that Einstein was an underachiever at school, but it really
isn't true. While he may have had difficulties with languages, Einstein excelled in physics,
mathematics and music. Einstein held many patents and was a keen inventor.
While working at Swiss patent office in Bern he took it upon himself to write his own
scientific papers in his spare time, mostly at weekends and in the evenings after work. 1905 was
Einstein's miracle year. During this year he wrote three fundamental papers, any of which would
have guaranteed him immortality in the world of physics.
His first was on a new understanding of the structure of light. Einstein argued that light is
composed of small particles of energy, called photons, as well as oscillating waves.
The second paper built upon the theory of kinetics. Einstein explained how atoms were
responsible for the buffeting of particles of material in suspension, like cigarette smoke suspended
in air. This paper presented the first direct evidence for the existence of atoms, vindicating an idea
that had been around for over 2000 years.
His third paper of 1905 was ―On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‖. Here Einstein
derived the theory of ―special relativity‖. In a supplementary paper four months later, he
formulated the famous equation, E=mc2, where mass and energy are equivalent, showing that a
very small amount of mass converts to a huge amount of energy. This is the driving force behind
atomic bombs, and all the stars in the Universe.
5. Which of the following words can be used to best describe the author‘s attitude towards
44.The blind old woman( )to the little girl‘s hand tightly when they crossed the street.
1、Passage 5Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to
buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want. When they work,
they usually get paid in money.
Most of the money today is made of metal paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as
money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money.
In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money. In parts of
Africa, cattle were one of the earliest money. Other animals were used as money too.
The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the
center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place. Different countries have
used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were made of tin.
Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later, other countries began to make coins
of gold and silver.
But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first paper
money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.
Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.
2. Where were shells used as money in history?

1、Translation 3According to Chinese lunar calendar,August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival
---the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. On
that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright
moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away
from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival.
There are many customs to celebrate the festival, all expressing people‘s love and hope for a
happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in


1、Passage 13The favorite food in the United States is hamburger. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is
a fast food restaurant. At a fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and
carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in
their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it
and pick it up without leaving their cars.
There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The greatest in number
sell hamburgers, French fries and so on. They are popular food among Americans. Besides, Italian
food, chicken, seafood and ice-cream are very popular, too. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so
popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one.
Fast food restaurants are popular because they reflect American life style. Customers can
wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are
busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone prepares it. In
fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally most
food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore people are able to buy and eat at a fast
food restaurant often, while they may not be able to go to a more expensive restaurant very often.
3. Why do Americans like to go to fast food restaurants?

A.  It's because fast food restaurants are fast, informal, and inexpensive.

B.  It's because people can easily find fast food restaurants.

C.  It's because people like to eat hamburgers.

D.  It's because fast food restaurants sell nearly every kind of food.
71.Let me share( )you something that you may not expect.

A.  to

B.   with

C.   for

D.   down
1、Passage 1
The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to enjoy a lifetime‘s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and self-reported luck, according to a research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the luckiest month in which to be born, with 50 percent of those born then considering themselves lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43 percent claiming good fortune.
The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a person‘s general disposition. Other research has shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success than on having a ―glass half-full‖ or“half-empty‖ approach to life. ―What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,‖ said Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the research.
The pattern of the result, with those born in spring and in summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations, Professor Wiseman said.5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.  Luck is Something Born

B.  Luck is Not All Down to Chance

C.  Luck is a Matter of Blind Chance

D.  Luck and Age

A. retaining

B. preventing

C. getting

D. keeping
1、Passage 5Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to
buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want. When they work,
they usually get paid in money.
Most of the money today is made of metal paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as
money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money.
In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money. In parts of
Africa, cattle were one of the earliest money. Other animals were used as money too.
The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the
center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place. Different countries have
used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were made of tin.
Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later, other countries began to make coins
of gold and silver.
But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first paper
money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.
Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.
1. Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for
4. Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy
something expensive?

A.  Because they are difficult for people to obtain.

B.  Because they themselves are expensive, too.

C.  Because they are not easy to carry around.

D.  Because they are easy to steal.

A. Even

B. Moreover

C. Thus

D. Ever
1、Passage 15There is a commonly held myth that Einstein was an underachiever at school, but it really
isn't true. While he may have had difficulties with languages, Einstein excelled in physics,
mathematics and music. Einstein held many patents and was a keen inventor.
While working at Swiss patent office in Bern he took it upon himself to write his own
scientific papers in his spare time, mostly at weekends and in the evenings after work. 1905 was
Einstein's miracle year. During this year he wrote three fundamental papers, any of which would
have guaranteed him immortality in the world of physics.
His first was on a new understanding of the structure of light. Einstein argued that light is
composed of small particles of energy, called photons, as well as oscillating waves.
The second paper built upon the theory of kinetics. Einstein explained how atoms were
responsible for the buffeting of particles of material in suspension, like cigarette smoke suspended
in air. This paper presented the first direct evidence for the existence of atoms, vindicating an idea
that had been around for over 2000 years.
His third paper of 1905 was ―On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‖. Here Einstein
derived the theory of ―special relativity‖. In a supplementary paper four months later, he
formulated the famous equation, E=mc2, where mass and energy are equivalent, showing that a
very small amount of mass converts to a huge amount of energy. This is the driving force behind
atomic bombs, and all the stars in the Universe.
5. Which of the following words can be used to best describe the author‘s attitude towards

A.  Skeptical.

B.   Critical.

C.   Admiring.

D.   Exaggerated.

A. expected

B. wanted

C. asked

D. hoped
44.The blind old woman( )to the little girl‘s hand tightly when they crossed the street.

A.  held out

B.   held on

C.   held down

D.   held back
1、Passage 5Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to
buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want. When they work,
they usually get paid in money.
Most of the money today is made of metal paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as
money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money.
In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money. In parts of
Africa, cattle were one of the earliest money. Other animals were used as money too.
The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the
center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place. Different countries have
used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were made of tin.
Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later, other countries began to make coins
of gold and silver.
But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first paper
money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.
Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.
2. Where were shells used as money in history?

A.  In the Philippines.

B.   In China.

C.   In Africa.

D.   We don‘t know.