A、 Write the temperature on the engine record card.
B、 Record the temperature of the engine until writing it on the card.
C、 Recording the temperature of the engine is done by writing it on the card.
A、 Write the temperature on the engine record card.
B、 Record the temperature of the engine until writing it on the card.
C、 Recording the temperature of the engine is done by writing it on the card.
A. Data shall be managed as time, fuel and distance to climb from sea level versus outside air temperature,
altitude and weight
B. Data shall be presented as time, fuel and distance to climb from sea level versus outside air temperature,
altitude and weight.
C. Data shall be presented as time, fuel and distance to lift from sea level to outside air temperature, altitude
and weight.
A. lf an airplane is suspended, if would balance at the point called the center of gravity.
B. The center of gravity is the point of an airplane; it would hardly balance if suspended.
C. lf an airplane is hung; it wouldn't balance at the point called the center of gravity.
A. 标准化将可以通过对检验标准的一致性要求;使持续适航方案中规定的安全标准得到提高。
B. 标准化是通过统一解释持续性适航方案中的检查要求,达到本规范的检验标准。
C. A 标准化将提升安全性,通过统一解读持续性适航方案中所包含的、依照本规范制定的检验要求实现。
A. 需要作为安装或恢复作动程序中的十部分的任何调整/测试应在文本中按适当的顺字进行操作
B. 需要作为安装或限动程序中的一部分的任何调整/测试应以适当的方式包含在文本中
C. 需要作为安装或恢
复作动程序中的 e 部分的任何调整/测试应以适当的顺序包含在文本中
A. 确保皮托管温度增加至 500 摄氏度以上。
B. 确保机外环境温度增加 500 摄氏度。
C. 确保探头温度增加至、500 摄氏度以上
A. Each approved word in the dictionary is assigned a specified approved meaning, which is strictly
controlled comparing with the meaning in standard English.
B. A specified unapproved meaning corresponds to each approved word in the dictionary that leads to the
restriction of the meaning in standard English.
C. Comparing with the meaning of standard English, the specified approved meaning for each approved
word in the dictionary is more appropriate.
A. 始终遵守如下保持电线处于良好状况的法规
B. 始终遵守预防措施,然后保持电线处子良好状况
C. 始终遵守如下预防措施以保持电线处于良好状况
A. Please designate licensed personnel to do modification or maintenance to airplane.
B. Alterations or repairs to airplane shall be accomplished and noted by licensed personnel.
C. Please note that alterations or repairs toairp1ane must be accomplished by licensed personnel.
A. 如果部件跌落,有可能会造成轻微的损坏。
B. 如果部件掉落,可能会造成永久性的损坏。
C. 部件永久性的损坏可能是由掉落造成的。
A. 将卡箍放在电缆上以将其固定到位。
B. 将线圈放在导线上以将其固定到位、
C. 将线圈放在电缆上以将其固定到位。